Description: ued(中国)有限公司官网成立于1998年4月注册资金23亿(uu推荐发财)成立广州市天高集团有限公司,并正式组建天高集团。是一家专业生产电梯、螺杆空压机、高档凹版印刷机等先进装备制造产品企业集团。最初名为“南京市园林工程处”。于一九九二年由市建委同意更名为“南京园林建设总公司”。ued(中国)有限公司官网下属全资、控股企业27家,员工总数约5600人。
Hosting and consulting services for taking your small or medium sized business to the cloud.
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Our experts will analyze your current setup and come up with a plan for migrating to the cloud. This includes server, data and software architecture. Solutions are optimized for your needs.