- Teletext Pixel Art | Horsenburger's Teletext Art | United Kingdom

Description: Genuine 3-bit teletext pixel art with a modern, pop culture and retro twist from Horsenburger's Teletext Art

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Full Teletext Art Gallery

After 20+ years since I worked as a designer at Teletext, Ladbrokes (and a little bit of Sky Text) I have returned to the technology, swapping horses and palm trees, planes and boats for pop culture and retro icons.  Now I wish that I had appreciated Teletext more at the time, but, since the summer of  2016 I have been producing image after image, in fact now almost 2500 images which you can see here at Horsenburger's Teletext Art.

So if you are into 3-bit pixel art, nostalgia or just fancy something different, then this is the site for you. 

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