hospicepatients.org - Hospice Patients Alliance: Patient Advocates

Description: Hospice Patients Alliance: patient advocacy resources and information on standards of care for hospice patients, families, caregivers and staff, protecting patient rights

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Explains what is happening in our health care system now, even without "death panels." This web-book is available online at no charge so that everyone can get this vital information. Let others know about this book so they can be warned about what is happening today! See our hospice books page .

"Ron Panzer's knowledge of the health care industry -- and its dark side -- is exceptional. Equally exceptional is his dedication to authentically pro-life hospice care. Every person who works in health care, and particularly those who deal with end-of-life issues, would do well to read Ron's book! "Dare I say that many of them are in for a wake-up call!"                           -- Matt Abbott , pro-life journalist

                                 This site last updated on Octrober 12, 2020 All material may be reproduced without permission and without changes and was copyright Hospice Patients Alliance ("HPA") unless otherwise credited. The Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. corporation ceased operations in October 2020. HPA was an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization serving the general public.

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