- How To Hide AV Equipment | Remote Control Extender Best Buy | Cord Covers | Remote Control RF | IR

Description: How to hide AV Equipment and stay in control with the best buy in remote control RF or IR extenders without messy cord covers or any visible components!

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Hide Hot Link’s Super Sensitive IR Eye on the BACK of your TV, facing the wall and connect to the Hot Link Main Box. The remote to Eye distance of the remote control will be doubled. Hide your home theater equipment in a cabinet or closet and apply the IR emitters over the IR sensors on the AV equipment. Now you can operate AV devices in entertainment cabinets or behind walls with your infrared remote controls with improved performance!

All of the benefits, none of the drawbacks! Other brands require either an exposed IR sensor, or batteries that have to be charged and changed once a week along with limited frequency selection like next generation remote control extender, and other RF radio-frequency remote control systems. Some do not work with all equipment and IR codes or either cause or are subject, to IR or RF interference. Some remote control RF systems commit you to use only their remote.

Hot Link gives you the benefits of doubling the performance of your remote controls without any attachments to remotes while controlling hidden home theater equipment and Hot Link itself being totally hidden!