houdabakkali.com - Houda Bakkali – Visual Artist

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She has also developed a global and pioneering project on digital art, augmented reality and new technologies in 6 Civic Centers of Barcelona City Council . Likewise, she has developed the first ever Web3, immersive and multimedia project on Don Quixote , the most universal literary book. Her digital art has been exhibited at Paradores , at the Sanremo Museum (Italy) and at different  international festivals and private events . Houda Bakkali is pioneer in digital art and new technologies, for many years sh

Houda has been honored three times with the American Illustration (New York). She won the International Motion Award (New York) and the New Talent Award at the International Festival Artists of the World in Cannes. Likewise her art was recognized by the London International Creative, the Paris Design Award, the Creative Quarterly (New York), and four times with the Graphis Silver Award (New York), among others distinctions. Likewise, she has been selected by TIME magazine for its first web3 initiative.

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