housing-act-prosecution-defence-barrister.co.uk - Defending Housing Act prosecutions - Julian Hunt

Description: Being prosecuted for a breach of the Housing Act 2004 or received a section 16 or section 235 notice? Please contact Julian Hunt, Barrister.

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I have defended hundreds of (HMO) landlords caught up in prosecutions involving Local Authorities over the last decade. If you are being prosecuted for a breach of the Housing Act 2004 in the magistrates or Crown Court by a Local Authority or Council then please do contact me for advice direct from a barrister. Please also contact me if you are facing an interview with the Council or have received a section 16 or section 235 notice. The earlier you contact me and arrange a conference the easier it will be.

I have also defended and advised landlords who face Civil Penalty Notices and Rent Repayment Orders or indeed Banning Orders. I have been doing this sort of work for many years and have undertaken many cases, advising landlords on all manner of Housing Act breaches including section 234, section 72, section 95 and improvement notice breaches. I have real practical experience in this area and am often used on a word of mouth basis. I give frank advice but it is advice that can be trusted. I am often referred

I am used to dealing with Local Authorities and fighting these cases to trial if there is a case.  I know that Local Authorities can take a very heavy-handed approach to breaches of Housing Act law when prosecuting in the criminal courts or when facing Civil Penalty Notices and I can assist you in vindicating your rights or at the very least ensuring that you receive the lowest possible sentence.

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