houstondentistcpa.com - Pay Less Taxes With a Dedicated Dental CPA | Virjee Consulting

Description: Are you tired of chasing your accountant or worrying about overpaying taxes? At Virjee Consulting, our dental CPAs save dentists an average $50,000 in tax savings...

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We service dentists across the country!

Virjee Consulting, PLLC is a local Houston, TX CPA Firm specializing in dental accounting and tax planning services for the oral healthcare industry. We’ll take complicated accounting and bookkeeping tasks off your hands, saving your time and resources. And as a qualified medical CPA firm we’re familiar with all the current tax laws and how they can impact tax liability for dental practices. Our highly effective tax planning strategies will ensure that your practice is taking advantage of all available dedu

We understand that every dental practice is looking for ways to reduce costs and improve daily operations and we know how to help. Our practice management consulting services are designed to cut expenses so your business becomes more profitable.

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