Description: Houzework is a freelance home Improvement marketplace that connects workers, professionals with tenants, renters, homeowners and landlords for minor to biggest house work, gigs, repairs, remodeling, maintenance, renovation and building construction projects. - Find, Hire Professionals & Post House work gig. Marketplace for special trade and building construction.
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Browse through popular job categories and choose from wide range of skilled or licensed professionals. You can also post repair, renovation or building construction job and let talents and skilled professionals bid for it.
Are your skilled or possess experience in repairs, renovations and building construction? Explore the recently posted jobs by homeowners, tenants, renters or landlords.
We are world's #1 marketplace for repairs, renovation and building construction job. We connect professionals with homeowners, renters or landlords in most effective way. Our platform has great features that makes securing projects and payment for services an easy process.