- Howard Burman - Biography

Description: This website is maintained by Howard Burman.

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pinterest linkedin facebook twitter goodreads Howard Burman Home Works Theatre Scripts Contact Selected Works New The Secret Game The great all-star game of 1909. Fiction Duckrabbit A novel as film noir. To Hate Like This Is To Love Forever When The Greatest Dodgers Played The Greatest Giants Paradise by Paradise The disappearance of an enigmatic prodigy Willie, Mickey & The Duke New York City... 50s... stickball... dreams A Story Told By Two Liars A story of a son gone mysteriously missing. Surrounded Swit

Howard Burman is the author of more than twenty full-length plays and 12 books. He earned BA and Ph.D. degrees from the Ohio State University and is a Fulbright Scholar. He has served as Artistic Producing Director of Cameo Entertainments, the Hilberry Theater, and California Repertory Company, which he co-founded. His plays have been translated and produced in a number of foreign languages. Retired Emeritus from California State University, Long Beach, he lives and writes in Felton, California.

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