- Holiday in Cotswolds Lower Mill Estate at Barn Owl

Description: Luxuary oak-beamed holiday home with a glass-surround deck, built over the water at Howells Mere near Cirencester. Barn Owl has an atrium-living room facing the lake. Lower Mill Estate has a pool, gym and spa which can be used by our guests. Accomodation is two doubles and two twins and is very 'accessible'. It is a fabulous location, inviting repeat visits thanks to a genuine 'wow' factor. Location GL7 Gloucestershire

accommodation (9671) in (9354) holiday (6326) water (6070) estate (5441) park (2660) mill (511) cotswolds (383) lower (153) lme (19)

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Luxury oak-beamed holiday home with a glass-surround deck that's literally built over the water at Howells Mere near Cirencester. Barn Owl was built in 2009 using traditional oak posts and has an atrium-living room facing the lake. Lower Mill Estate has a pool, gym and spa which can be used by our guests. Accomodation is two doubles and two twins and is very 'accessible'. It is a fabulous location, inviting repeat visits thanks to a genuine 'wow' factor. Location: GL7 6FQ. SEE LINK to Instagram GALLERY belo

0117 911 8282

5b Staplehill Road Fishponds Bristol BS16 5AA United Kingdom