- Non-profit | Philanthropy | San Antonio Public Speaker

Description: Elevate your Non-profit and Philanthropic initiatives with Howie Nestel, San Antonio's dynamic Public Speaker. Discover impactful insights today!

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The status quo SUCKS. Who wants a life that's average and ordinary? Not me! That's why I connect businesses and community leaders with nonprofits, so that collectively, we can all leave the world a better place. For 40 years, I've made an unwavering commitment to community service and philanthropic causes. I've collaborated with or served on more than 100 non-profit boards. What started as a pastime is now my passion. For those of you looking for more joy in your life and unquantifiable fulfillment, let’s t

Howie Nestel has spent 4 decades creating an extraordinary life by serving through non-profit leadership and philanthropy. In his position as Founder and President of San Antonio-based Sharkmatic Advertising, he has provided sales and marketing services to more than 1,500 companies nationwide including Coca-Cola, DuPont, MTV, and Procter & Gamble, as well as to prominent local & regional businesses including Brake Check, Methodist Healthcare, and The Wash Tub.

He has spoken and delivered keynote addresses to companies, networking groups, educational institutions and non-profit organizations on topics ranging from entrepreneurship and marketing, to living an extraordinary life with passion and purpose.