hppcares.com - HPP Cares

Description: HPP CARES CDE is a California-based program devoted to meeting people where they are and moving them forward. By improving access to credit for low-and moderate-income and historically underserved Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) households; through qualified programs that identify and support the engines of affordable housing, homeownership, small business technical assistance, financial literacy, and economic development ultimately establishing the framework needed for su

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Important message pertaining to first republic bank relationship termination

In response to recent events in the banking sector and resulting uncertainty with First Republic Bank, La Mesa Fund Control & Escrow began a new banking relationship with Axos Bank last week.

Our first and foremost commitment is to our clients and the safety and security of their funds held in Trust. We know Axos Bank is an excellent choice for level of the safety, security, and service we require for our business and, most importantly, for our clients.