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“Ola Gjeilo’s Tundra, new to perhaps almost everyone, is a Nordic mood piece based in Philip Glass-like minimalism accompaniment with piano and strings; it also has an attractive melodic element. The piece also contains some rapturous passages for solo soprano, which were performed with refinement and taste by Hanna Pagenkopf, the soprano section leader of the CPO Chorus. Expertly written and elegantly performed, it made an excellent effect.” Calgary Herald, Dec. 2018  

“The moment everyone was waiting for was, of course, the Fauré Requiem. One of the most melodious and richly expressive choral works of the great tradition, it made the impact expected, especially in the beauty and assurance of the choral singing.

The solo movements were sung by soprano Hannah Pagenkopf and Nicholas Allen, both members of Luminous Voices. Both these singers are young and have youthful voices, but they were fully equal to the challenge of their parts, especially Pagenkopf who is quite evidently making the transition from “promising young singer” to “seasoned professional.” Pagenkopf’s light, ethereal soprano was perfect for this most heavenly moment in the score. “   Calgary Herald, May 2018