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HPSS storage software meets the most challenging long term scalable storage requirements. HPSS features reduce the total cost of ownership of data, maximize transfer performance of all file sizes, lower tape cartridge costs, maximize storage utilization, efficiently manage data integrity, and minimize failure recovery time.

There are well known value propositions for the different types of storage. Solid state disks are the best storage option when bandwidth and I/O per second are the driving requirements. When files are needed immediately and capacity is the driving requirement, power-hungry hard disk drives may be the best option. Tape is the most economical storage for infrequently accessed data at scale, and is often called “zero-watt storage”. Many storage and cloud providers offer different levels of storage, at differen

Based on storage needs and deployment schedules, HPSS scales incrementally by adding computer, network and storage resources. A single HPSS namespace can scale from petabytes to exabytes of data, from millions to billions of files, and from a few file-creates per second to thousands per second.