Description: Located in the thriving Columbus Region, Union County – Marysville, Ohio is where innovation is developed, tested, and built. You bring the dream; we make it a reality.
research (8957) ohio (5836) transportation (4026) honda (3573) industry (3211) testing (2459) dublin (1806) marysville (217) autonomous (167) connected (149)
UNION COUNTY - MARYSVILLE THE MIDWEST'S INNOVATION HEADQUARTERS WELCOME TO THE MIDWEST'S INNOVATION HEADQUARTERS Located in the thriving Columbus Region, Union County – Marysville, Ohio is the Midwest’s Innovation Headquarters.
After pioneering the development of Ohio’s 33 Smart Mobility Corridor, a 35-mile super connected freeway, the Union County-Marysville Economic Development Partnership has broadened its focus to include the attraction of entrepreneurs, start-ups, researchers, and companies involved with smart mobility, autonomous air mobility, 4D logistics, and green tech.