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publishing (3763) authors (969) e-books (645)

Example domain paragraphs

As editors our first priority is to meet the needs of the reader. While we edit your words, sentences and paragraphs, we never edit your voice. “Growing a culture requires a good storyteller. Changing a culture requires a persuasive editor.” ― Ryan Lilly

Since consumers will judge a book by its cover, and the reading experience by the layout, these are critical components of publication development. "Effective, meaningful design requires intellectual, rational rigor along with the ability to elicit emotions and beliefs. - Debbie Millman

We will take your final edited manuscript and convert it into an ebook (Format: Mobi for Amazon (KDP) or EPUB) that can be distributed globally through a major online distrbuter. All our eBooks are made available for download on Amazon Kindle, the largest ebook retailer.

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