- HT2011: 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia

Description: HT2011 is the 22nd ACM conference on hyptertext and hypermedia. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 6-9, 2011

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Everyone has to deal with financial issues from time to time. It’s very wrong to think that you’re alone in this, because that’s a harmful way of thinking that can undermine your own ability to think straight. Problems can happen to anyone, even those who are experienced with their finances. The main factors that separate successful people from the rest in those scenarios is how they respond to the situation, and what they take away from it.

Because in the end, even if your finances get negatively impacted in some way, you should at least learn something from the whole ordeal for the future, and be better prepared to avoid this kind of mishap later on.

Spending Money You Don’t Have

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