- Woman reports expired bread sold with new date stamped on it, The man went to the queen's mother-in-law to talk about a blind da

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  Ye You was speechless for a while. The three of them were now enemies of all the sects in the entire Hades State. It was because their true identities were almost unknown that they could remain safe. If someone here learns their true identity, they will become known to the whole world, and it is not impossible for them to be hunted down all the way. Moreover, even if the three of them used human-level disguise techniques, their whole bodies would be surging with energy when they used Yuan techniques, and

  "Fifth Grandpa!" Yi Yunxiao was also stunned when he heard Mu Qings address. "Yes, you are the fifth uncles father, arent you my fifth grandpa!" Mu Qing said immediately with her eyes flashing. "Haha, what a smart little kid, yes, thats Grandpa Five!" Behind him, Liu Mengchen also said with a smile. Mu Qings intelligence immediately turned the attention of several people to her, especially Liu Mengxin, who liked Mu Qing very much. After all, for them, being able to see the familys inheritance was naturall

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