- My Weather - Hudson Valley Weather

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After Poughkeepsie obliterated a record high temperature on Friday, things are much different on Saturday. Friday saw Poughkeepsie reach 95°… which smashed the record of 90° that stood for 89 years (1934). Since then a cold front has passed through with very little rainfall, but an upper level tough will settle into the northeast, keeping ... Read more

A wider view of the situation, here’s the NY state regional radar loop over the past hour (2:30 to 4pm)… the Hudson Valley is on the lower right quadrant of the graphic. You can see scattered showers and thunderstorms developing and moving from north to south across the eastern part of the state and New ... Read more

After a beautiful first half of the week, we move into Thursday expecting another beautiful day of sunshine and blue skies. Deepening high pressure over the eastern half of the country will allow Thursday afternoon high temperatures to climb into the upper 80s and possibly reaching 90° in some parts of the Hudson Valley. Temps ... Read more

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