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Composting provides a sanitation alternative that allows for indoor, odorless, safe, ecological toilets. The composting process eliminates or greatly reduces disease organisms while creating soil fertility and preventing environmental pollution. Utunzaji wa mbolea hutoa mbadala ya usafi wa mazingira ambayo inaruhusu ndani, harufu, salama, vyoo vya mazingira. Mchakato wa composting hupunguza au hupunguza sana viumbe vya ugonjwa wakati wa kujenga rutuba ya udongo.
Two and a half billion people in this world do not have toilets. People in the developed world can't imagine living without a toilet, but it's the normal situation for many billions of human beings. Imagine if your toilet is a hole in the ground some distance from your dwelling, kept far away because of the odor and the flies. Imagine if you are elderly, or have trouble walking, or are dealing with a large family, or have many little children, or are sick, or have diarrhea. How nice it would be to have a to