hwong.com - 黄姓, 黄surname, 黄氏, 江夏黄氏, Huang Ancestry, Huang, Wong, Vong, HWONG – 江夏黄, Jiang Xia Tang, Kang Har Tong, Huang Family Website

Description: Discover the rich history and heritage of the Huang lineage, originating from Jiangxia. Connect with the global Huang family through the Commonwealth of Huang, a non-profit organization started in 2023. Explore your genealogy, network with other Huang members worldwide, and contribute to preserving the Huang culture and historical sites. Join us today to be part of a community that values unity, strength, and shared history.

strength (789) discover the rich history and heritage of the huang lineage (1) originating from jiangxia. connect with the global huang family (1) a non-profit organization started in 2023. explore your genealog (1) network with other huang members worldwide (1) and contribute to preserving the huang culture and historical si (1) and shared history. (1)

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Close Services Introduction News Pricing Search… 黄氏家族 House Of Wong Huang is a family with a long history and rich cultural traditions. 黄氏家族是具有悠久历史和丰富文化传统姓氏之一。

黄姓是中国最为常见的姓氏之一,拥有着悠久的历史和文化内涵。在中国的姓氏中,黄姓的起源和演变过程是非常值得探讨和研究的。 黄姓最初的来源可以追溯到中国的古代历史时期。据史书记载,黄姓最早起源于黄帝,是中国古代的一位传说中的英雄和创世神话人物。相传,黄帝是中华民族的先祖,他率领黄族和其他部族联合起义,推翻了以蚩尤为首的夏朝王朝,建立了一个新的中央集权政权,从此奠定了中国历史的基础。 随着时间的推移,黄姓逐渐成为了一个独立的姓氏,其祖先和后代分布于全国各地。在中国的传统文化中,黄姓代表着富贵、显赫和权力,被视为中国传统文化的重要组成部分之一。 江夏黄氏是中国的一个姓氏,由江、夏和黄三个字组成。其中,江和夏都是地名,而黄则是姓氏中的一个常见字。根据史书记载,江夏黄氏起源于春秋时期的楚国。当时,楚国是中国南方的一个强大国家,有着广阔的领土和丰富的资源。江夏黄氏在楚国的历史上扮演了重要的角色,曾有多位黄姓先贤为楚国建立功勋。

“Huang” is one of the most common surnames in China, with a long history and cultural significance. The origin and evolution of the Huang surname are worth exploring and studying in Chinese surnames. The origin of the Huang surname can be traced back to ancient Chinese history. According to historical records, the Huang surname originally originated from the Yellow Emperor, a legendary hero and mythological figure in ancient China. It is said that the Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of the Chinese nation. He

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