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It is amazing that with the huge number of exercise machines and programs on the market today, personal health and fitness is at an all-time low. We are the fattest and least fit generation ever. The only thing more worrying than this, is that the next generation looks to be even worse off! We shouldn’t accept this. Everyone has both the time and resources to get into better shape. Here’s how to go about it.Every year in January, gym attendance peaks as every man and his dog hits the treadmill for a week or

Lease-options (also known as rent-to-own, and similar to lease-purchases or land contracts) are a good way to find properties to buy when you can’t buy traditionally. Perhaps you have poor credit, or no down payment. Or maybe you’re not sure about a new neighborhood, and want to rent before buying. The problem is: Lease-options can be difficult to find. Many aren’t listed as “lease-options” on the MLS (“Multiple Listing Service”–the real estate databases used by Realtors), and others are not on the MLS at a

Scams, spam and fraud – we hear these words everywhere these days. While there are many cynics who will yell scam or fraud from the rooftops for any kind of online money-making opportunity, there are many genuine opportunities out there so there’s no reason to let doubt get in your way when deciding the online business path you should take.There are many legitimate ways to make your money online – a lot of people have successfully done so and continue to do so today. So taking a moment to do some basic rese