hypnosisforbirth.com - Nancy E Allin, CHt, CC ~ Hypnosis for Birth ~ In person and virtual sessions available

Description: Support and skills/tools for positive more calm, confident, and comfortable birth experiences, utilizing hypnosis and the body mind connection.

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Thank you so much for all your help. Spending time with you really helped me stay calm and relaxed during my labor. I was able to stay home during my early labor, and while I eventually got an epidural, my labor and delivery was a beautiful, peaceful event. I put my "Dr." side away and trusted in myself. I also used your relaxation techniques before my oral board exam, and again remained calm and collected. I passed without problem! Thanks again K. J.

Having you at our baby's birth and all the work before was such a blessing. I am thankful to have had you present for the birth of both of my children. Your ability to inspire calm, peace, and well being is a gift and I thank you for sharing it with me.

Giving birth is a job for the mammal brain (also called the limbic system) . Birth is one of the times in our lives when this more primitive brain needs to be in charge. The biggest challenge we have in birth is our higher thinking brain wants to control and run the show. Allowing it try to do that can cause all kinds of problems! Self hypnosis has proven to provide effective skills to quiet the thinking brain while giving it jobs to do that support the mammal brain's tasks. This may produce a calmer and of

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