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Example domain paragraphs

Sprng Energy, the Indian renewable energy platform set up by UK-based fund manager Actis, wants the termination of the power purchase agreement (PPA) signed with the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) for its upcoming 100 mega-watt (MW) wind project. The company said it wanted …

By Vaibhav Sisinty Getting attention on social media is a huge deal. There are just so many brands fighting for your eyeballs. Thats the exact reason why the costs of getting eyeballs are going high every passing day. Running ads is not practical in the …

Overall hiring activity has shown some improvement with a marginal 1 per cent month-on-month contraction recorded in May as against a decline of 14.95 per cent in April, according to a report. The job postings during May stood at 2,047 compared to 2,072 in April …