i-will-say-whatever-you-want-in-front-of-a.pizza - I Will Say Whatever You Want In Front Of A Pizza | Sebastian Schmieg, 2017

Description: A speculative Prezi that explores digital labor, humans as software extensions, and the possibility of interventions inside algorithmic systems.

pizza (11451) artificial intelligence (4046) labor (1192) pizza delivery (471) donald trump (240) fiverr (52) gig economy (35) easter egg (11) software extension (1) fauxtomation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

"I Will Say Whatever You Want In Front Of A Pizza" is a speculative Prezi that explores digital labor, the amalgamation of humans and software, and the possibility of interventions inside algorithmic systems. It is narrated from the perspective of a cloud worker.

While technology is often described as an extension of our bodies, the Prezi (presentation software) video explores a reversed relationship: digital workers as software extensions. The ubiquitous network and the computerization of everything have not only blurred the lines between bots and people – supposedly autonomous programs are sometimes people that have to act as if they were software. This development has also made it very easy for everyone to hire, program, and retire humans as part of any workflow:

"I Will Say Whatever You Want In Front Of A Pizza" weaves together screenshots that connect hidden workers creating training datasets for artificial intelligence; gig workers to whom creativity means doing whatever promises to be paid at least something; and a Singaporean teenager who was hired by Donald Trump's campaign to create a Prezi video.