i.com.pk - i.com.pk - Irfan Ahmad

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It has been almost a full year since Covid-19 started. It has changed the way of life and businesses drastically. There is a good number of Pakistanis who started buying online for the first time in their lifetime. A lot of businesses started selling online. Businesses, who never took their online platform seriously, started investing in ecommerce and digital marketing. Businesses, who could not afford a full-fledged ecommerce platform, started advertising their WhatsApp number for online orders.

A few days back, I was trying to buy something online. The website was terribly slow and I could not complete the transaction. A quick investigation showed that it was a badly maintained Magento theme. In the early 2010s, when we were working with different retail fashion brands, Magento was the go to option for a brand’s ecommerce presence. Brands would half heartedly hire someone to install and configure a free Magento theme on a shared hosting, put 10-20 products there and forget about it. They were not