i520.gr - i520.gr - What is i520.gr

Description: i520.gr International Barcode Registry - Διεθνής Κατάλογος Κωδικών Barcode

ean (98) gs1 (75) ean-13 (47) ean13 (44) gtin (40) 520 (23) gln (12) ean8 (10) gepir (4) 520barcode (1)

Example domain paragraphs

i 520.gr is the international electronic directory, a barcode registry and validation service, created by 520 Barcode Hellas which provides information about all companies using product (barcode) or location identification codes with a prefix of 520.

T he i520.gr database is updated daily and always provides the latest information for companies and their respective numbers.

I n an easy search process, you enter the number of a product barcode and all the data of the user company is displayed (as well as, if any, product information). You may also browse for a company by typing its name.

Links to i520.gr (1)