ibizaconcordialodge44.com - Ibiza Concordia Lodge No. 44 - Ibiza Concordia

Description: Freemasonry in Ibiza - Ibiza Concordia Lodge No. 44 is a Freemasons Lodge made up of members of various nationalities operating within the Province of the Balearic Islands under Warrant from the Grand Lodge of Spain, which maintains ties of friendship and recognition with all the regular Grand Lodges of the world.

lodge (1325) masonry (1295) ibiza (939) freemasonry (385) freemasons (242) 44 (239) concordia (153) masonería (27) logia (24) emulation lodge (2)

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Consacrated 10th November 2018 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

Ladies’ Night is a gala evening traditionally to honour the ladies in the Mason’s life, not just their ‘significant other’, but also their mother, daughter, sister, etc; anyone who supports him. There is dinner and dancing, fundraising, and often presenting the ladies with gifts.

Our White Table Night dinner is where ladies, guests, friends of the Lodge and prospective candidates and their wives/ partners are all invited. A key feature of the dinner is charity and it is one of the fund-raising events the Lodge holds during the year, with raffles and prizes, as well as being an important social event in its own right.

Links to ibizaconcordialodge44.com (1)