Description: ✅「信誉官网」太阳成集团tyc122cc是网上娱乐爱好者的首选娱乐平台,太阳成集团的开放战略已经日渐成熟,进一步得到业内的肯定和认同,太阳成集团tyc122cc以优质的服务招待每一位来访客户和耐心解答客户每一个问题!,点击体验免费下载客户端。
太阳成集团tyc122cc (686) 太阳成集团 (446)
Horses have been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I had the opportunity to learn to barefoot trim and change my career path about 5 years ago. Since then I have learned more than I ever could have imagined. I now have a true passion for healthy equines, large and small. Diet, conformation, environment, movement, pathology, are all factors in my practice.
Living in rocky and rugged terrain, most of my clients ride trails with boots. I offer casting, glue ons, therapy and rehab programs, and maintenance for all working equines. I especially love the American Mustang and enjoy providing the first hoof care experience. I specialize in the shy and farrier inexperienced equines. I am proficient in various techniques to help safely teach our unsure friends to accept hoof care.
Now I have a full client load in the Wenatchee Valley and surrounding areas, as well as Snohomish County.