icmg.com.sg - 世界中の意志ある仲間と未来を共創する | ICMG Group

Description: ICMG Groupでは企業のバランスシートに載らない価値を可視化し、人を活かし、社会的価値(パーパス)の創造を支援しています。ICMG Groupは、「森( Forest)」の発想を持ち、Willpowerを持つリーダーが集い、繋がりあい、豊かな土壌(Foundation)を共に創り、未来共創を加速する、未来共創カンパニーです。

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Creating a Sustainable Future with Purposeful Partners We have consistently focused on “Sustainable Growth” since our founding, and comprehensively grasp not only financial capital but also non-financial capital (Intellectual Capital), and we are “a partner for sustainable growth of a company”. As, we are promoting a number of projects.

We are convinced that human will, independence, intrinsic motive, and sense of mission are the driving forces that change the world and create a new future. I am also convinced that innovation of corporate management itself and innovation of social structure itself are indispensable for human will to connect to a new future.

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