iconsultarjay.com - Arjay Consulting

Description: Arjay Consulting division of Arjay Enterprises

consulting (25332) evaluation (878) consult (783) confidential (197) evaluate (54) consults (28) arjay (7) consulted (2) evaluates (2) acredit (2)

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Welcome to Arjay Consulting, a division of Arjay Enterprises . Feel free to contact us for more information or quotes. Arjay Consulting has accepted consulting contracts in the following areas:

* for mathematics, computing science, or science departments at grade school, college or university level

In addition, Rick Sutcliffe takes pulpit supply assignments (preaching or expository) and is a conference speaker on a variety of hi-tech topics, including eBooks, the Fourth Civilization, the Metalibrary, or topics of interest specifically to Christians. eMail for information. He has also served on and/or consulted with many boards of directors, including being a member of that of CIRA , the Canadian Internet Registration Authority in charge of the .ca domain registry. He has assembled some thoughts on boa

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