icpnlp.eu - ICP-NLP - The International Commission for Professional NLP - www.icpnlp.org

Description: The International Commission für Professional NLP, a non-profit association based in Central Europe.

training (24042) ausbildung (4537) professionell (2393) nlp (2037) practitioner (399) nlp master (36) master practitioner (18) professional nlp (2) professionelles nlp (2) nlp trainre (2)

Example domain paragraphs

In the general public the image of NLP is mainly defined through the majority of ** and *** star providers. Legally speaking teaching is free in most countries. For NLP courses and NLP trainers there are no legally relevant recognized quality checks, entry criteria or disciplinary councils, as most qualified professions working with and having responsibility for people are proud to have them (eg. psychotherapists, dentists, opticians, architects, surgeons, flying schools, laywers, butchers, clinical, forens

So that lack of formal checks, qualifications and quality oversight in NLP and pushy marketing drives of minimally qualified persons regretably has led to many forms of abuse. *

On the other side professional NLP/NLPt, if trained and used correctly, is an highly efficient concept for applied psychology and psychotherapy, professionally based on well researched psychological findings ( www.nlpt.at/r1 ).

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