- PADI IDC Malaysia | scuba diving instructor course | dive career training Asia

Description: PADI IDC Malaysia - padi platinum course director SF Chong welcomes you to go pro and scuba diving instructor development courses Asia

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Award winner Platinum course director SF Chong provides the quality, experience and expertise you should expect during your instructor development training. Look at what will make you successful in the real world - you deserve the best training and education available. One of the most important steps towards a successful career in diving is your instructor training. Becoming a diving professional is not only a change of career; it's much more. You are embarking on an adventure and a change of lifestyle! PAD

We also provide courses from Zero to Professional scuba diving instructor courses , Divemaster Internships , MSDT Internships, PADI IDC Staff Instructor Internships and PADI Tec Instructor Course in Malaysia and Perhentian island.

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