- Identifying Chabad

Description: What exactly do Lubavitchers believe and what impact do these beliefs have on the Orthodox world?

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Why have we created this web site (and gathered the more extensive resources found in the book that accompanies it)?

So that no one should ever be able to say he hasn’t got enough information to make an intelligent decision.   We believe that we’ve presented enough facts (whether through original documents, full quotations from candid, insider sources or thoughts and letters of talmidei chochomim who are familiar with the situation) that anyone, after having carefully read through the material, can comfortably draw his own conclusions.   Those conclusions may be different from ours, but at least they’ll be informed.

We also believe that the problem is serious enough to require action…and that precious little action has yet been taken.   This will all become clear as you read through the material on this web site.