Description: I am Najib Idrissi, a mathematician. I am maître de conférences at Université Paris Cité and the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche.
Najib Idrissi’s math page Intro I am a maître de conférences at the math department of Université Paris Cité . I am also a member of the team-project Algebraic Topology & Geometry of the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu–Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG). I am one of the organizers of the Topology Seminar of the IMJ-PRG.
I am the scientific coordinator of the ANR Young Researcher project Structure and Homotopy of Configuration Spaces (SHoCoS – ANR-22-CE40-0008) .
You can find more information in my CV .