- IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology

Description: The IET is a world leading professional organisation. We inspire, inform and influence the global engineering and technology community to engineer a better world.

uk (35645) technology (17194) engineering (10335) member (863) iet (53) modern engineering (6)

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Working to engineer a better world We inspire, inform and influence the global engineering and technology community to engineer a better world. About us Apply for the Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards The Young Woman Engineer (YWE) of the Year Award offers you the chance to further your future, open new career opportunities and gain widespread recognition in the field, as it has done for many YWE winners of the past. Consider applying today. Guidance Framework fo

3 Conferences | 5 content streams | 1 combined exhibition. Powering Net Zero is three co-located conferences where engineers can meet, learn, and discuss all the most pertinent issues relating to engineering solutions to net zero.

Join us for Engineering Open House Week