ifphilipcan.com - If Philip Can – How I Survived Abortion, 24 Surgeries and High School!

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Philip Mathews lived nineteen years on earth. He was a typical teenager in every sense of the word--but his very birth and life was anything but typical.

After identifying a cleft lip, holes in his heart, absent right ear and eye, and missing parts of his brain, Philip was given little chance of survival and his parents were counselled to have an abortion.

But he did survive and go on to live 19 years of purpose, spreading his message of hope and help in 48 states and 13 countries. Philip was born with many facial differences, holes in his heart, and a missing portion of his brain.  The corpus callosum, the band of nerve fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain was absent.  When he was asked how his brain works even though he is missing key components, Philip responded, “It’s wi-fi!”