iftp-berlin.de - Start | IFTP Berlin

Description: IFTP Ingenieurbüro für Terminplanung GmbH Berlin erstellt Terminpläne zu komplexen Bauvorhaben, Termincontrolling, Terminkontrolle, Soll-Ist-Vergleiche, Terminsteuerung, Claimmanagement, Mittelabflussplanung, Zahlungsplan

construction planning (18) acos (15) terminkontrolle (11) bauablaufplanung (4) schedule tracking (3) iftp engineering office for scheduling (2) schedule controlling (2) network technique (2) iftp (2) ingenieurbüro für terminplanung (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Schedule deviations in projects often cause delays that in turn lead to dissatisfied customers, additional costs, and a loss of image. When the first strategic approach fails, project members slip into a fire-fighting mode. In most cases, such delays can be attributed to minor problems. Project members are not aware of the relevance of deadlines in the context of the overall project. Resources are not sufficiently available. 

The courage to change and to improve things is not very great, and the reporting does not correspond to the truth. 

However, these problems cannot be solved solely through realistic schedules based on network planning technique, and resource availability. Nevertheless, the scheduling is a mandatory prerequisite. Successful schedule management especially requires experience, and goal-oriented communication.

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