Description: Our future at Integrity Health Network is focused on helping our members increase their contribution to improving the health of their communities. IHN is leading several collaborative effo
Dr. Wenner's practice in Cold Spring. MainStreet Clinic in Ashland. Orthopaedic Associates in Duluth. Whether you visit one of our small-town, one-physician clinics or our larger, multi-specialty facilities, you'll see Integrity Health Network (IHN) providers deliver a more personal kind of care.
That's because our clinics are owned by the physicians and providers themselves. Your healthcare is driven by your doctor; not a boardroom. As a network of independent physicians, IHN provides an innovative model of care inspired by, and centered on, our patients.
We are committed to staying at the forefront of new healthcare initiatives. In January of 2014, IHN launched Integrity Health Innovations, LLC, a CMS-approved (Medicare) Accountable Care Organization, or ACO for short. In January of 2016 we became a part of the State of Minnesota's Integrated Health Partnership program - a Medicaid ACO.