ijindal.github.io - About Me - Ishan Jindal

Example domain paragraphs

Staff Research Scientist @ IBM Research. Former AI Resident @ IBM Research, alum of ECE @ WSU, EE @ IIT Roorkee and IIE @ KUK. Rumble Fellow @ WSU and DAAD Fellow @ DAAD

Hi, I am Staff Research Scientist at IBM Research - Almaden .

Before joining Almaden Research Center, I received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Wayne State University , where my research centered on developing deep learning frameworks for unstructured and unreliable data. Before this I obtained my Master’s from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee , India, where I was awarded the DAAD Fellowship to pursue my master’s thesis at computer vision and remote sensing department at Technical University Berlin , Germany. I was also a Junior Research Fellow at th

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