iknowthatsign.com - I Know That Sign! -

Description: A space dedicated to type, the web, and everything in-between

design (78612) typography (2230) batman (406) web typography (6) firstpost (5) monokrom (4) webtype (3) badribbon (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I want to talk about Monokrom & Webtype's promotional site . Specifically I’m going to explain some of the super simple css I used to keep type looking crisp and consistent between browsers.

You might already know that web font developers hint their letters at different sizes to maintain a consistent appearance. If not Monokrom has a good example explaining it with their font Aften . What I want to talk about is what we can do as developers to help those fonts out.

Here it is. Just adjust for your browsers or add prefixfree .

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