- Introduction - Illumined Living

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W e don’t just live in interesting times , we live in positively fascinating times.

All around us, old structures are crumbling , and many of those structures are viciously resisting their demise. The possibility of environmental disaster, and a growing felt-sense of connectedness both to the environment and to each other , is beginning to bring humanity together in awareness of our social and spiritual, as well as environ­mental, interdependence. Technology is giving humanity God-like powers and we are invited to develop God-like wisdom in using those powers. And the world’s esoteric wisd

Religion as we have known it is fast losing its legitimacy. The ancient teachings of spiritual wholeness and authenticity, often given symbolically or in religious language, are being freed from the shackles of religious institution and offered in a clear and direct way for anyone who wants them — along with, unfortunately, increasing amounts of trendy, hucksterish mashups of magical thinking, low-level occultism, and pseudoscience.