- Imaan.Net – have faith

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Despite my best intentions, I disappeared again… so I won’t make any more resolutions to be regular about maintaining this blog. ;)

A few things have happened in the past few months! Our homeschooling community in Islamabad has grown tremendously alhamdulillah and there are now loads of activities for the kids. Peep is actually out of the house 7 days a week now, busy with co-ops and sports. This has been a huge relief – he has two busy older sisters and being the social sort, craved company. I am so grateful that that need is met!

The older girls are settled into their own routine now. Marz is finishing up her IGCSEs – she has done reasonably well, no thanks to me! (haha) Alhamdulillah, I am so happy and pray that Allah keeps her safe and well on the next step of her journey. Bear is preparing for school – after much deliberation, tears and even more deliberation, this is probably the best, given her temperament and inclinations. She has come very far as a budding artist and I hope that she will get the guidance she so needs.