- Breaking LTE on Layer Two | Radix Security

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Ruhr-Universität Bochum & New York University Abu Dhabi

In mobile networks, mutual authentication ensures that the smartphone and the network can verify their identities. In LTE , mutual authentication is established on the control plane with a provably secure authentication and key agreement protocol. However, missing integrity protection of the user plane still allows an adversary to manipulate and redirect IP packets .

The IMP4GT (IMPersonation Attacks in 4G NeTworks) (/ˈɪmˌpæk(t)/) attacks exploit the missing integrity protection, and extend it with an attack mechanism on layer three which allows an attacker to impersonate a user towards the network and vice versa. We conduct two IMP4GT variants in a LTE commercial network and demonstrate how this completely breaks the mutual authentication of the user plane LTE and early 5G networks.