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Description: Divequipment is the Dutch distributor, service and trade partner of divesports brands Scubatech Tecline, Typhoon International, Ammonite, Bright Weights and Deepbu Cosmiq for recreational and professional divers.

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Tecline is a line of dive equipment designed to meet the needs of the developing dive market. The range includes wings, harnesses, regulators, fins, etc. Tecline equipment is fully modular, which means it can be adapted to the personal needs of the customer.

The Tecline equipment is suitable for all divers, both recreational and technically demanding divers. All products meet the highest quality requirements - European standards, CE certifications.

Ammonite offers divers safety and a full diving experience with the best dive lights and exceptional thermal comfort. The range includes the highest quality umblical lights, compact backup lights and advanced power supplies for heated diving gear.