- Support the immune system IMUNOR | ImunomedicA, a.s.

Description: Produced IMUNOR medicine, which is designed to support the immune system. The drug is a prescription.

medicine (3340) immunity (139) immune support (48) immunomodulator (8) imunomedica (1) imunor (1) imunopreparat (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The activities of ImunomedicA, Inc. is the production of pharmaceuticals. The main product is IMUNOR.

activates and reinforces weak immune the system. Is an immunomodulator for oral use.

Immunosuppression leads to a weakening of anti-infective defenses and cause some disease symptoms. Therefore certified in congenital and acquired deficiency of the immune system, which is usually manifested by repeated or chronic infections difficult responders to conventional therapy. It can be used as purulent affections and recovery after septic conditions. Also applies in the treatment of herpes and fungal diseases in the auxiliary treatment of malignant tumors in the presence of signs of decreased immu