- Incidence 0

Description: Support and advance the development of no-nonsense evidence-based HIV prevention interventions

prevention (1077) hiv (789) aids (686) evidence (315) interventions (99)

Example domain paragraphs

It has been some time since my last posting here and there are a couple of reasons for that that I finally take the time to put down in writing. It is not that I have lost interest, or that HIV is no longer a

No. I do not want to test for HIV in the “comfort of my home.” Maybe it is just me, maybe that feeling is just personal, my experience anecdotal, maybe I am just an exception, a snowflake; but it’s my choice, my voice and it is

Six years after the publication of the iPrEX study, four years after its approval by the US FDA, two years after the PROUD and Ipergay studies, and after a year of legal battle, PrEP may finally be available in the UK through a large clinical