- Indevor Land – UK Land and Development Opportunities

Description: Indevor Bonds & Guarantees

bond (615) guarantees (25) surety market (9)

Example domain paragraphs

We specialise in identifying potential land development opportunities or acting as catalysts in facilitating stalled development opportunities hindered by complex, bespoke issues. In a highly charged and fast paced industry our pragmatic approach enables us to succeed in unlocking development projects that require more than a traditional dogged uncompromising, ‘make it happen’ approach.

Our organisations holistic principles run throughout all our operations whether it be us being obliging to a communities preferences or yielding on a potentially contentious issue if we can identify that this will ultimately allow a projects wider and primary objective to be achieved.

Although we adapt a more patient, strategic and flexible attitude than most we are a very dynamic and ambitious enterprise and have a very fundamental focus to enhance and advance development opportunities whilst remaining unapologetic of our need to yield profits.

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