- Indian Journal of Marketing

Description: Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is running five very successful double blind peer reviewed refereed management research journals, Mr. J.C. Gilani was an alumnus of Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi and was the founder of Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Marketing, Archive of Indian Journal of Marketing. Digital papers of past issues are available for purchase in the archives, Author Index of Indian Journal of Marketing helps you fi

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Welcome to the Website of : Indian Journal of Marketing ,

Indian Journal of Marketing is a double blind peer reviewed refereed monthly journal, which is being published since 1968. It is an authentic research publication dealing with the following topics: marketing, advertising, consumer behaviour, sales management, advertising & promotion management, marketing strategy, customer loyalty, marketing segmentation and targeting, customer value modelling, business information systems (MIS), business law, communication, direct marketing, e-commerce, global business, ma

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