- Indian Prairie Land and Cattle - Home

Description: We are located in one of the most majestic and picturesque parts of the great state of Montana, the Bitterroot Valley. The 300 plus acre ranch in Victor, MT,  is nestled against the Bitterroot Mountain Range and National Forrest, and provides a beautiful,

home (85955) agriculture (4208) mt (816) victor (329) ranching (206) and farming (131) indian prairie land and cattle (1)

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Home of the Guilt-Free Burger!

victor , MT 59875 ph: 4066423304 bhenske @pacbell .net

We are located in one of the most majestic and picturesque parts of the great state of Montana, the Bitterroot Valley. The 300 plus acre ranch in Victor, MT,  is nestled against the Bitterroot Mountain Range and National Forrest, and provides a beautiful, natural setting for our Longhorn herd. This is a family run operation that began as a hobby, and gradually grew into a small business endeavor. Our goal is to provide naturally raised Longhorn livestock and/or beef to those in the market place interested i